by Meniketti | Aug 13, 2015 | Blog
Several years ago Dave and I daydreamed of releasing our own wines “some day.” On August 11, 2015—coincidentally, the same peak night as the spectacular, annual Perseid Meteor shower—our seemingly unattainable dream actually came true. Our journey into wine started...
by Meniketti | Aug 11, 2015 | Behind the Art
In this edition of my blog series feature Behind the Art, meet Lisa Champagne-Sweet. Married to Stryper’s Michael Sweet, and also his band’s manager, Lisa is another kindred spirit. I’m quite familiar with how much effort goes into her...
by Meniketti | Jul 7, 2015 | Behind the Art
I’m thrilled to feature Diana DeVille in this edition of my blog series feature Behind the Art. Diana has been Wendy Dio’s “right hand” for as far back as I can recall. She’s been through a lot with Dio, Black Sabbath, Heaven and Hell, and more, and she has her...
by Meniketti | Jun 4, 2015 | Blog
Frequently, I’m asked how the idea came about for my debut novel, Welcome to Groove House. I’ve touched on that in several interviews, and I’ve shared the story with fans who’ve asked me on tour. So many people have asked since the novel’s release that I figured I’d...
by Meniketti | May 28, 2015 | Blog
My first book tour . . . Twelve years ago when a novel idea was brewing in my brain while on tour overseas, a book tour wasn’t even a wrinkle of thought. So when the time came and Welcome to Groove House was about to be published, it’s only natural that I’d choose an...